Yesterday marks the 800th birthday of the Magna Carta. Meaning “The Great Charter,” it is the foundation of our Constitution and legal system. The Magna Carta is remembered for establishing the principle that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law.
One important detail left out of my daughter’s history lesson is that the majority of the grievances addressed in the Magna Carta were related to land titles. Many of the basic property rights that we take for granted today come from the Magna Carta. These include (1) the right to due process before foreclosure, (2) the rights of heirs to inherit land, and (3) dower and homestead rights for surviving spouses.
The Magna Carta’s importance can be seen throughout our nation’s history: from its wide circulation prior to the Declaration of Independence to its place as one of the eight bais-relief panels representing the evolution of justice in American law on the bronze doors to the Supreme Court.
I am thankful for the rights under the Magna Carter and know that Treasure Title has built it’s reputation on solid foundation of honesty, integrity and support of our community.
Next time you need a solid rock, call Treasure Title 407-654-8811 or send an e mail to me
We look forward to hearing from you. – JoAnne